

iron casting foundry

Casting Capabilities

Producing low to medium-run castings allows us the flexibility to customize our clients’ parts to meet their needs. Clinch River Casting, Inc. specializes in ni-hard, gray, and ductile iron alloys. We manufacture parts for a diverse range of industries including pumps, valves, air compressor, paper, glass, fossil fuel power plants, asphalt plants and quarries, as well as ornamental and historic restoration.

Casting Size: 1 to 1,000 lbs.

Casting Alloys: Ni-Hard or Abrasion-Resistant, Ductile Iron, Gray Iron

Melting: Induction Electric Furnaces – 700 lb. and 1,200 lb.

Molding: Phenolic urethane resin bonded sand (No-bake)

iron casting foundry knoxville tn
iron casting
iron castings
iron castings