Gray Iron Casting Foundry
in Knoxville, TN
Gray Iron is commonly referred to as Cast Iron. The name, Gray Iron, is derived from the characteristic gray color of the casting when fractured. Characteristic properties of Gray Iron are excellent machinability, good wear resistance, high vibration absorption, and good fluidity. Types of Gray Iron are commonly designated by a class number which indicates minimum tensile strength in thousands of pounds per square inch (KSI). Lower Classes of Gray Iron provide better machinability with higher classes offering strength and wear resistance. Castings are intended for general engineering use.
- CL 20
- CL 30
- CL 35
- CL 40
Typical Applications
- Machine Frames and Bases
- Spindle Housings
- Bearing Housings
- Pump Housings
- Sprockets
Pressure Containing Castings for elevated temperatures
Non-pressure containing castings for elevated temperatures.
May be alloyed with Chrome and Copper.
Typical Applications
- Stoker and Fire Box Castings
- Grate Bars
- Ingot Molds
- Glass Molds